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How I migrate Javascript to another language


Why migrates:

I used to work for a company that use JavaScript for most of the backend services. Everything seemed fine in the first few months of the project. But as it grew bigger and bigger, everything went out of control. Of course, part of it is about system design not just because of using Javascript, but I want to tell you my scary story that sometimes makes me unable to sleep well.

I recall the day I took some time off for a family vacation. On the very first night at the resort, my phone started ringing incessantly, with Slack notifications flooding in. It turned out I had caused a major issue. I'm not going to much detailed, but the causing is because I had forgotten to put await between an async function. It was absolutely my fault!

But we all make mistakes sometimes, right? Other languages like Java, .NET, Go, and TypeScript help detect those simple issues. JavaScript, however, isn't built for that. So it always feels like there's no room for mistakes, no tolerance for being tired or distracted while working with JavaScript. Because if there's any mistake, JavaScript will stay silent and let it happen.

Always use Lodash

That's what I said to my self everytime I touch Javascript, from accessing nesting variable like a.b.c.d or working with array and collection. To prevent errors like Cannot read property of undefined.

Whenever I have a pull request with more than 200 lines, I always carefully review line by line, even that still not get me a good sleep... Such a very stressful experience !

But very lucky, we did decide to migrate from Javascript to Rust.

The migration challenges and solutions:


Switching languages while the team continues to maintain and develop new features every sprint is both challenging and inefficient. And functions are often interdependent, making it difficult to manage the migration plan and timeline effectively. Furthermore, there's a risk of migration gaps, where instead of resolving issues, we unintentionally introduce new ones, complicating the process even further.

We need a plan to quickly adopt the new language so that new features can be developed in it instead of JavaScript. Additionally, we need to deploy and test the new code in every sprint to ensure any migration gaps are detected early.


Combining everything together, my idea is to mix the new code with the current JavaScript code. There will be another service that's written in new language that will run seamlessly with current JavaScript service, they will communicate with each other. This way, new features can be implemented in the new language right away, and migrated functions can be deployed and tested in every sprint to ensure there are no migration gaps.

Moreover, to be safe, I also propose adding a flag to disable the new code if any issues occur, allowing us to easily switch between the two languages.

Without further talks, let me introduce the tech stack we will be using.

Javascript decorator

In JavaScript, a decorator is a specialized function that modifies or enhances the behavior of classes, methods, or properties. It serves as a wrapper around the original implementation, enabling you to extend functionality without directly modifying the original code.

Decorators are commonly used for tasks such as logging, performing authorization checks, or attaching metadata. They are applied using the @ syntax and were introduced as part of an ECMAScript proposal to improve code readability, reusability, and maintainability.

Here is an example:

function instrument(target, key, descriptor) { const originalMethod = descriptor.value; descriptor.value = function (...args) { console.log(`Calling ${key} with arguments:`, args); return originalMethod.apply(this, args); }; return descriptor; } class Example { @instrument sayHello(name) { return `Hello, ${name}!`; } } const example = new Example(); console.log(example.sayHello('John'));

The output would be:

$ Calling sayHello with arguments: [ 'John' ] $ Hello, John!

The code above demonstrates the use of a decorator to quickly implement instrumentation, allowing it to trace the arguments passed to a function.

How Can Decorators Help Us During Migration?

We will apply decorators to functions that are migrated to the new code, without removing their original implementations. These decorators will act as a proxy, bridging the current implementations with the new language, ensuring a seamless transition while maintaining backward compatibility.

gRPC and ConnectRPC for communicate between two services

You might expect something special here to handle communication between these two languages, but there's nothing fancy. We all know what gRPC is, and that's exactly why it's the right choice. It's familiar, works great, and makes it easier to convince our boss and colleagues to use it. I will not talking much about gRPC here, but if you don't know, you can take a look on their website grpc.io.

That said, I'm not using grpc-js, I'm not a fan of it, because the IDE has no ideas on how to read it's generated code, which prevent it to give us any code suggestions, and also, the syntax is hard to used, here is some comparision:


const protoMessage = new ProtoMessage() protoMessage.setPropA("something")` protoService.create(protoMessage, (err, data) => { // do something })


const protoMessage = new ProtoMessage({ propA: "something" }) protoMessage.propA = "something" const data = await protoService.create(protoMessage)

For more information, such as setup instructions, you can visit their website for detailed guidance: Connectrpc for NodeJs.


Now, we will carefully replace each part of the old service with the new one, ensuring that the system remains functional throughout the process.

In this implementation, I will not include the code for the service written in the new language, as it primarily just about launching a gRPC server. Instead, I will focus on the JavaScript service and demonstrate how it can be integrated with the new one.

Protobuf as a bridge

This bridge is just tempary, after the service is complete, it will be removed with the old service. So that we don't want to spend so much effort on building it.

syntax = "proto3"; package devlog; import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; service Discussion { rpc create(google.protobuf.Struct) returns (google.protobuf.Struct); rpc get(google.protobuf.Struct) returns (google.protobuf.Struct); }

Using google.protobuf.Struct as both the parameter and response can significantly speed up the process. It's particularly friendly for JavaScript, as the response is treated like a standard JavaScript object, making interaction and implementation more straightforward.

However, it's not without its drawbacks. The syntax for creating a google.protobuf.Struct is somewhat cumbersome since you need to define both the value and its type explicitly. To address this, I've written a simple utility to convert any JavaScript object into a google.protobuf.Struct, simplifying the process and reducing the effort needed.

export function value(it) { const protoValue = new Value() if (value === null || value === undefined) { protoValue.setNullValue(Value.NULL_VALUE) } else if (isNumber(it)) { protoValue.kind = { case: 'numberValue', value: it } } else if (isString(it)) { protoValue.kind = { case: 'stringValue', value: it } } else if (typeof it === 'boolean') { protoValue.kind = { case: 'boolValue', value: it } } else if (isArray(it)) { const listValue = new ListValue({values: it.map((it) => value(it))}) protoValue.kind = { case: 'listValue', value: listValue } } else if (isObjectLike(it)) { const structValue = new Struct() Object.keys(it).forEach((key) => { structValue.fields[key] = struct(it[key]) }) protoValue.kind = { case: 'structValue', value: structValue } } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported type: ${typeof value}`) } return protoValue } export function struct(obj) { const struct = new Struct() Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { struct.fields[key] = value(obj[key]) }) return struct }

And the usage would be:

struct({ name: "Jimmy", address: { number: "111", street: "ABC" } })

That's all for now. To keep it concise, I won't dive into the details of setting up a gRPC client and server here. If you're interested, you can visit: Connectrpc for NodeJs. For further detail.

Decorator as a proxy

Now that we've built a bridge between the two languages, we'll gradually integrate it into our new code using decorators. Let's take a look at the following example:

export function Migrated(fn: (...args: any) => any) { return (_target: any, _propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => { const originalMethod = descriptor.value descriptor.value = function (...args: any[]) { return process.env.USE_MIGRATED_CODE ? fn.apply(this, args) : originalMethod.apply(this, args) } } }

The code above defines a decorator called Migrated. This decorator accepts a function and toggles between the new and old implementations based on the environment variable USE_MIGRATED_CODE. This setup allows for seamless switching back to the old implementation if any issues arise.

Bring them all together

With gRPC set up using ConnectRPC and the Migrated decorator we just created, it's now time to bring everything together and integrate these components effectively:

class DiscussionService { @Migrated(async function (discussion) { const response = await newService.create(struct(discussion)) return response.fields }) async function create(discussion) { } }

To me, it's look pretty good, not having to change any old code while seamlessly applying new code right away. Plus, the ability to switch back and forth between the old and new code adds a layer of flexibility and safety to the process.


If you're using Kubernetes to manage deployments, ensure that both services (the new language and JavaScript) are deployed within the same pod. This approach ensures that any of your scaling approach still working correctly.

Thank you

This solution is best suited for large projects, particularly those managed within a Scrum team, where deliverables are required at the end of each sprint.

For smaller projects or personal endeavors, this approach may not be ideal as it could add some more effort to just establishing the bridge between two languages.

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